Friday, January 28, 2011

G1: yum cha

being lazy these two days.... lol
took a full rest after flight and chit chatting with friend today :)

i went yum cha for tea today! thanks ah gor! this time really 又食又拎! > o< haha

2011 first portrait @ Heritage 1881

it's a warning picture... lol
time to lose weight hahahhaa
omg -_-

OH! Thanks for printing such a big photo of me!!!!!

how nice!!! i love it!!!

needa think think where to put... haha

a little music box... playing 天空之城

and some photography books and catalogs

okok! i should not waste my camera!

gonna work hard on my study so that i could do something more on my interests!!

add oil add oil!!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Change Your Life 2.0

Very inspiring presentation!!
Change Your Life 2.0
View more presentations from Coach Bay.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Freezing Trip

 The second trip of the Year - NYC. (Yes, again.)

 The hotel and my room :)


 very cute key card ^^

It's freezing cold in New York!!
It was -10 degree Celsius at noon -_-
I couldn't withstand staying/ walking on the streets for more than 10min! omg.....

Finally, I only managed to go out and bought some cosmetics for Chris. :(((
Well... no Sales in NYC either... think the God wants me to save $$$ haha

I went to Morton's again, with some colleagues.
This time, there was New York Cheesecake as a dessert! New item for lunch combo! hehe


Too bad I couldn't finish it. Too full already!!! hehe

and I realized that all of us were having the cake... why didn't we order different dessert and share???? ewww....

it was too late lol haha

Busy Busy studying... sooooooo much to read!!!!! >_<
Can I manage to finish all readings on time????? Add oil add oil!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


不過覺得自己 EQ 高左, 哈哈
對於別人的冷嘲熱諷, 竟然可以一笑置之。可能是已經有了心理準備, 又可能是因為已經開始習慣了。別人的眼光真的不重要, 最重要自己可以繼續進步。我要努力!



搞到我忍不住緊握阿哥的手!!! 太靚仔太型喇!!!!! XDDDDDDD

好可惜公司唔俾影相..... :'((((((

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mission I: Completed!

i mean the training, haha
finally!!!! the training was finished!!!! but the real challenges are coming!! so excited!!!! and nervous!!!!!!!! however, as H said, it's normal and good to be nervous. he (and I) should be scared if I don't feel nervous at all LOL so true........ lol

new role... new responsibilities... new challenges...  and new life


something new on my desk.. hehe
but i'll be away for 2.5weeks... :( see you soon!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

an Office-week

Finally, it has come to Weekend!
It was an interesting week, as I has learned a lot of new things.
I can see that the training courses have been improved a lot, becoming more resourceful and organized. Good for our new joiners :) and me as well.

Thursday was Study Day. Wow! I was impressed!! I was paid to go back and study for myself!! (There was no such thing before!) Everyone was very nice. They all come and offer help, and treat us snacks. haha
Oh yes! I got my desk!

There's nothing on my desk. (Few things were left behind by the ex-owner) Gotta think about how to decorate my desk hehe

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First Step

好開心, 好開心! ^^

今天很成功地, 戰勝了自己, 完成一直以來自己沒有信心、沒有膽量去做的事 - Public Speaking.
記得第一天上課, 自己還緊張得不知自己在說什麼 -_-
(但不記得自己面試時是怎樣過關的 LOL)
今天能夠順利地完成一個 20分鐘課題的 Assessment, 很有滿足感, 因為看到自己的進步! :)

這個 Training 讓我學到很多。雖然這幾天很忙, 壓力很大, 不過, 我很開心。
相信, 這就是 Trainer 的利害, 因為他們帶我走出我的 Comfort zone, 令我可以於「有益」的壓力下成長。

多得這個 Training, 腦袋根本沒有時間去想其他多餘的事。
哥哥要我順其自然, 就是不要去想太多。似懂... 又看似尚未懂 hehe :P

我要... 繼續努力學習!!!
我們一起努力吧!!! : )

未完成的 LEARNING MAP hehe

Friday, January 7, 2011

new challenges!

my new life style... waking up at 6am every morning, doing exercise for 30min then going to work. it will last for 10days (at least) this month. and I hope I could build it as a habit. :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

11.1.1... 111

2011年1月1日,飛了CX111 - Sydney。
Light loading、2小時休息、沒有爆甲(lol)、海景房... 應該是一個好開始!

不過早上有一段小插曲... iPhone 鬧鐘失靈了!

原本也想下飛機後小睡兩小時然後去 Fish Market,但... 實在太睏! 所以...



Open your eyes... to see the World.

Close your eyes tight... to listen with your Heart.

收到11年第一個SMS,想不到是你發出的。很意外的驚喜... 謝謝...

STOP!!!! 要溫習啦!沒時間啦!

BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Sunday, January 2, 2011

你的呼吸 還有你的聲音

你的呼吸 穿過身體
你的聲音躲在耳裡 讓我生病
謝謝 你給的讓我沉迷
在好奇的時候 拉不住眼睛

我想我不會愛你 這樣下去
我想我不會愛你 只是也許

你的歎息 散落一地
靠得太近一不小心 弄傷自己
謝謝 你給的讓我沉迷
在迷路的時候 捨不得離去

我想我不會愛你 這樣下去
我想我不會恨你 傷的痕跡
住在我心底 變成了秘密
我想我不會愛你 害怕失去
所以逞強的 遠遠看著你
我想我不會恨你 只是也許

我想我不會愛你 這樣下去
我想我不會恨你 傷的痕跡
我想我不會愛你 害怕失去
所以逞強的 遠遠看著你
我想我不會恨你 只是也許
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